Scrappy Swoon Giveaway Winner


Well, I’ve had one unusual week, and while I was busy living it, seven of you finished your quilts.  I know there are more quilt tops awaiting quilting, and I hope you’ll share them in the Scrappy Swoon Flikr pool when you finish.  I’ll be checking it!  Six of you linked up, and one of you doesn’t have a blog (that’s you, kprzy), so the picture in the Flikr pool I counted as entry number seven.


If you follow my blog regularly, you know I’m working on mastering technology more this year as one of my 2013 goals.  Well, I tried to figure out how to get the little image of the random number pick to show here, but apparently I’m doing something wrong!  Sorry!  (Another thing to learn.)

According to, the winner is entry #7, kprzy’s photo on Flikr.

Congratulations!  Kprzy, shoot me an email and we’ll take care of the details!  A big thank you goes to The Fat Quarter Shop for sponsoring this giveaway by offering a fat quarter bundle of Jeni Baker’s Color Me Retro fabrics!  Thanks so much!

Thank you all so much for supporting my first effort at contributing to the many awesome quilt ideas and designs available online.  Thanks for sewing along, and for your kind comments and feedback.  It has been a lot of fun for me to visit your blogs and see your photos.  I have come to admire your talents in the past several weeks.  Thanks to Camille Roskelley who kindly supported my idea.  And a very special thanks to my two awesome sisters , who also participated in this quilt along, and without whose support I might not have found the courage to do the quilt along at all.

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!

Enjoy your quilts, and happy sewing!


Scrappy Swoon Link Party!


Welcome back for the Scrappy Swoon Link party!  This marks the official end of the quilt along and I hope you’ve enjoyed making your Scrappy Swoon.   I’ve had so much fun watching your quilts take shape and feel very grateful for your participation.


I shared my quilt last week, and now it’s your turn.


Many thanks again to the Fat Quarter Shop for offering a fat quarter bundle of Color Me Retro by Jeni Baker as a giveaway prize for one of you!  To enter the drawing, link your post about your FINISHED quilt below.  The link party will be open until Thursday March 14th at 11:59 pm, Pacific time.  A winner will be randomly selected and announced here on Friday March 15th.    Be sure to link to the specific post and not to your home page so we can all admire these gorgeous quilts.

Good luck!

Sometimes Love is Heavy

double tulips

So often we think of love as something that makes life easier, better, happier, and it is.  Love unlocks goodness in every direction, pushing us upward like the flower reaching toward the light.

Sometimes it’s not so pretty.

This week I’m watching my parents struggle, and struggle well, under the terrible weight of love.

Sometimes our love for others ends up dragging us through all kinds of muck we never wanted, makes us lift and carry indefinitely burdens we didn’t seek, pushes us into experiences we sought to avoid.

It changes us in ways we worry about.

But, because we love, we have no choice but to get through the muck, keep carrying the burden, face the experience.


Somewhere in there, if we’re lucky, we remember One who did the same for us, who struggled under the terrible weight of a cross.

Love was heavy for Him, too.

He prayed for us, bled for us, died for us, and rose for us.

He offers help and strength when we’re crumbling beneath the weight.


As we reach for that strength it all becomes clear:

It isn’t the love that is heavy.  Life’s trials are heavy.

Love is what gets us through.

And we keep on.

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