Curved Christmas Tree Pillow

All of a sudden it’s mid-December and the Christmas season is in full swing.  My lists of “need to do” and “want to do” things are still long, but I’m trying to pause a little here and there to enjoy it.  As I looked for fabric scraps to coordinate with my Whimsy Lone Star blocks, I came across this Christmas tree block made from curves.  I decided on the spot to make it into something useful.  Now it’s a new curved Christmas tree pillow.

I remember making this block one year as part of an online curves workshop.  Honestly, I thought I’d posted about it way back when so I didn’t bother taking a picture before I got started.  I used all solids on a shimmery gold background.

I quilted my block with loops in a gold thread.  It reminds me of strings of lights and feels appropriate for a tree block.

After I quilted the block, I decided to make a pillow.  This Grinch fabric was a great match for the solids in the block.  I think the mid-century style of the tree also lends itself to a Dr. Seuss style.  Double the reasons to use Grinch fabric!  Once upon a time I always used zippers for my pillow covers.  Now my grown up children often start pillow fights and I always feel bad when someone gets hit with the zipper.  So I usually make an envelope closure, which is what I did here.

I bound the block with more of the Grinch fabric.

We have a stuffed Grinch and a stuffed Max that are treasures to my children.  They played endlessly with them when they were little.  Now their nostalgia is part of our Christmas decor.  The curved Christmas tree pillow will be a good addition.

It’s nice to have years of holiday projects out to enjoy.  I folded and stacked our everyday quilts to make room for the Christmas quilts, like my Swooning for Christmas quilt.  I laugh every day, however, to see that the #1 favorite is my Christmas flannel rag quilt.  I’m glad it’s still in great condition after 13 years of Christmas snuggling.  Lots of memories in these threads.

It’s a small finish, but it feels good!  I took one thing out of storage and made one useful thing with it.  Perhaps more importantly, I took a break to be creative.  It feels good, and helps me relax.

I hope you’re enjoying the Christmas season!

Whimsy Lone Star Blocks

While sorting through old Christmas projects recently, I came across some extra Whimsy Lone Star blocks.  While pretty, these blocks didn’t make the cut for my Whimsy Lone Star quilt, so they’ve been waiting patiently for a very long time.  I’m in a “finish it up” mood, so I decided to do something with them.

I squared up the blocks and sewed them together in a 2×2 grid, which now measures about 44″ square.  As I worked, I remembered why I didn’t include them in the original quilt.  Each of these blocks has some bias stretch going on, a by-product of my trial and error efforts to master the lone star block.  In fact, some of these lessons led to my popular Lone Star Block Tutorial, which includes a free PDF for making your own blocks in several sizes.  Seeing these blocks makes me grateful I persisted and mastered the lone star block.

These Whimsy lone star blocks are made using 2″ strips.  I’m hoping to find a few scraps from the original project to use with this one.  What should I make with this?  It could become a small quilt, a table topper, or even a wall quilt of some kind.

I might add borders, and some whimsical Christmas applique in the center where the blocks join would also be fun to play with.  But for today, while I hunt for scraps, I am admiring the lovely morning light on my blocks.  That lovely light has been scarce lately.

I confess these blocks represent my favorite Christmas color scheme.  Multiple greens and reds, crisp white, with some pink and a dash of blue or yellow thrown in just for fun.  It’s interesting to work with this collection again and discover that it still makes me smile.

Hopefully I can free up an afternoon for some experimenting.  The Christmas season always makes me want to sew more.  I’m usually pulled away by the many other commitments of the season.  Fingers crossed I can change that this year!


Hemingway Pouch

I love finding ways to give gifts that are useful, beautiful, and handmade.  Perhaps that explains my love for quilt making, although quilts are large projects and I can never make as many as I have people to gift them to.  (I have enjoyed making and gifting Lone Star Christmas Tree skirts, though.)  Still, every year I find myself looking for useful gifts I can make.  Earlier this year, I found a pattern for something that ticks all three boxes:  the Hemingway Pouch.

I am NOT typically a pouch or bag maker.  I think they’re amazing, but I also know myself well enough to know that I don’t need to start stashing bag making supplies.  My fabric stash is enough and I won’t let myself branch out.  Additionally, I sometimes dislike dealing with zippers.  But this pattern is different.  When a friend gifted me one last spring, I immediately asked where she found the pattern and began making my own.

The pattern includes 4 different sizes, and is easy to follow.  It’s actually quite simple, even for a girl like me.  The hardest part is threading the zipper pull onto the zipper once you’ve sewn it on.  At first I was excited to use some metal zipper pulls I had on hand, but that enthusiasm died quickly when I couldn’t ever get the zipper to close.  Hands cramping after only a couple of inches, I realized I needed a different zipper.  I ordered nylon zippers by the yard here.   I bought the gold, silver, and colorful options, and all three look great with my pouches.  You can see the fun colorful version below.

Pouches are fun gift ideas, and have been for a long time.  I like the Hemingway Pouch because it’s a different shape.  My daughters enjoy using them to hold books or a kindle, which make them unique.


Regarding construction, these pouches are great.  The fabric requirements are simple and it’s easy to make multiples.   I’ve started wondering a little about trying to add my HOME block to one of them.  It would be fun to match a pouch to my journal cover (another item I’m making for gifts).

So, this is what I’m sewing for gifts right now.  Along with my HOME Christmas projects and Lone Star tree skirts, of course.  Oh, and a family history project for my children, which I hope they appreciate.  Are you making any handmade gifts?  If so, what are you creating?  Please share in the comments!  I always love hearing ideas.  And whatever your to-do list may look like this month, I hope you’re able to make time for thoughtful reflection.  It can be a tricky time of year, and I always handle it better if I sit still and enjoy it a little.  Happy December!

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