The BEST Valentine Idea EVER!

I saw this on Nannygoat and knew it was the solution to all my Valentine woes!  It took only minutes to pull together, and I feel like it’s the best Valentine I’ll ever send to school with my children:

photo valentine

Adorable!  It’s personalized, and best of all, I don’t have to sit there while they write their names over and over and over again!

This project was so simple.  I took a picture of my daughters holding one fist out, making sure that the focus was on their faces and not on their hands.  Then I simply added text and had the pictures printed.

photo valentine

After printing the photos, simply punch a hole at the top and bottom of the outstretched fist and insert a dum-dum into the holes.  Done!

paper valentine

So I ask all of you moms out there with children in elementary school:  Is this not the cutest, easiest, fastest valentine ever?  My poor kids… they may never get to take a different one to school from now on!  Hurry, make some!  You’ve got plenty of time.

Hopeful Homemaker

One Step Report #5

Another week, another report.  56 steps taken in this first week of February.

A few highlights from the week:

We fed the sister missionaries dinner with less than 1 hour’s  notice, and on the craziest night of the week.  It was wonderful to have them in our home.

I decided that this whole One Step idea is ridiculous because I’ll never get caught up if I only move at this pace.  Then reality hit and I decided that taking one step is a whole lot better than quitting, which is not an option.  So I said a prayer and repented and One Step 2010 was back on.

This week was full of many steps involving me doing something because it was right, even though I didn’t feel like it or particularly want to.  I feel like those moments of decision are important, and I’m glad I chose the right thing.

I tried a new recipe .

I had fun sprucing up my living room .

I learned a lot of very personal lessons from my Heavenly Father.  It was a real learning sort of week.  I hope that this week I remember and implement those lessons so I don’t have to learn them again.

But the absolute highlight of the week was the activity our family attended on Saturday night.  I need to find the right words to write a post about it, but I’ll just say that it involved a courageous little girl, a lot of really great people, and a wish come true.

Tiffany Searle with Max Hall

And last but not least, today I had an idea that I’m really excited about it.  If it works, I can’t wait to share it!

I’m having a hard time getting the housework done without my kindergarten carpool.  Sounds silly, I know, but it’s a real struggle.  I’m hoping to do better this week, especially since my house is trashed and we’ve got guests coming for dinner tomorrow night!  Yikes!

Life is good.  I’m grateful for the gift of a new week. I hope yours is awesome!

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