Faith Sings Quilt

Well, I finished my first quilt for 2010.  I am calling it my Faith Sings quilt.

bird applique quilt

I like how it turned out.  It was one of those projects that sort of evolved as I went along.

I couldn’t find a pattern that I wanted to cut the background fabric for, so I decided to just make a quilt with it alone, and added some borders.

Then I decided to use a little free pattern I’d photocopied at a local quilt shop for a branch, two birds and some leaves.

bird applique quilt

Once I got going on that path, I remembered the quote I’d put on my Christmas cards for 2008, and decided to embroider it onto the quilt.  I lengthened the branch so there would be room, and embroidered it in brown.

Faith is the bird that feels the light embroidery

I love, love, love this quote.  “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”
It was sort of my quote for 2009.  Many times the dawn felt dark, but we tried to sing.  I didn’t sing as much as I should have, but we pressed forward.

At the bottom corner, I embroidered this:

"sing on" embroidered on quilt

Okay, so I realize that it should have been finished in 2009.  I tried, I really tried.  It just didn’t happen, so instead it’s the first completed quilt of 2010.  And I still love the quote, so it’s fine with me.

"Faith is the bird" quilt

Originally I thought this quilt would be for my baby, but with once the embroidery was done I decided it’s mine instead.  If I’d planned for it to be mine, it probably wouldn’t be pink and green, but I like it anyway.

I used a soft minky stripe on the back.  YUM!

back of quilt

Hooray!  One project done, countless to go!  (Could you imagine how bleak life would be without lots of projects to look forward to?)

applique birds on branch

Hope that you’re feeling the light and singing, even if the dawn still feels dark!  Have a great day.


Vintage Tart Molds

I found these awesome vintage tart molds at the antique mall last month.   So fun!

vintage tart molds

There were six of each shape, 18 in all.  They’re pretty small, 2-3 inches in length.

vintage tart molds

Wouldn’t they look awesome filled with candy?  I’ve got them sitting on my kitchen window sill, just waiting for me to do something wonderful with them.  What would you do?

As a side note, I also picked up a couple of pieces of old silver flatware.  I’m pretty sure I’ll never have nice new china, so instead I’m going to slowly gather old pieces to use on special occasions.  I’m getting close to having enough to use with my big family.   These are my most recent additions:

vintage silver fork and spoon

I didn’t think to photograph it, but the spoon has a monogram on it.  I LOVE IT when I find monograms.

Our family is adjusting to the school schedule again and I’m hoping to find time to do things like clean these pieces so we can use them!  I’m also enjoying the simplicity of my home minus holiday decorations.  At this time of year I’m always drawn to just blue and white, and as little as possible.  Sort of like the pictures above.  Simple but beautiful.  I wish my whole life could be like that.   I’ve been working on a re-do of my family room.  I’m excited to share it once it’s finished.

Have a great day!

One Step 2010

I call myself the Hopeful Homemaker.  Well, the past couple of months have been so hard for me.  For the first time in my life, I haven’t felt very hopeful.  As my confidence and hope have waned, it has been harder to try, wholeheartedly, to make the home my family needs me to make.

You see, I’m overwhelmed.  My learning curve in this adventure of raising 8 children still feels really steep.  I’ve  felt tired, disorganized, discouraged, frustrated.  Worst of all, I haven’t been able to see HOW it can improve.  The only solution I can come up with is TIME.  I need more time.  But with my life so full of people, there is so little time!  With 3 children ages 3 and under, life is oh so busy.  Add to that the kindergarten schedule and the busy lives of the oldest four, and there just isn’t ANY time on ANY day when I’m not in the thick of mothering.  With my youngest being 4 months old, even my nights are in question.

I want desperately to pull it together.  I know that I can’t make a big list of grand goals that I’m going to accomplish, because I’m setting myself up for failure if I do.  Too much of my life is devoted to crying babies, and the rest to my life as a chauffeur.  On the other hand, I don’t feel like I can afford to pick just one thing to work on; too many things need attention.

And so, after much pondering and prayer, I have established my goal for the new year.

picture of One Step journal with white fabric flower

I’m calling it One Step:  A Year of Progress One Step at a Time.

Inspired by my sweet little book, Little One Step , I am setting a goal to take at least ONE step to improve my life and strengthen my family EVERY day of the year.  I’ve made myself a journal to record each step.

picture of One Step journal with rick rack and fabric flower

The foundation of my reasoning is that true growth is incremental.   The key is keeping at it.   I’ve chosen five areas of improvement that will serve as umbrellas for the countless things I’d like to change or accomplish.  They are:

Organization & Household Management Learning & Education Creativity & Celebration Health & Discipline Service & Nurturing I have recorded a vision of what I’d like to achieve in each of these areas.   I also have lists of some specific things I’d like to do in each.  I realize that I will not likely perform to the level that I can envision, but I can be guided by my lofty aspirations.  I also realize that the needs of my family will change with time.   I may not reach the summit, but this year I am determined to take one step at a time, for as long as it takes, while my abilities catch up with my responsibilities.

I hope to take many steps each day, even one in every area, but I also know how quickly 5 things can go from being reasonable to preposterous if little ones are sick or teething, or when our 5 soccer teams start up again in a few short months.  Thus, while I’d like to take many steps each day, what I will hold myself to is ONE, at least.  And if I take one step each week in each category, then hopefully my life will become more balanced.  I hope, at the end of the year, to be able to look back and see that I have grown into my role as the mother of 8 young children.

Because I know how easily sidetracked I can be, my steps will be guided by the following statement by Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

“Because love is the great commandment, it ought to be at the center of all and everything we do….  Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine hope.  Love should be our walk and our talk.  When we truly understand what it means to love as Jesus Christ loves us, the confusion clears and our priorities align.  Our walk as disciples of Christ becomes more joyful.  Our lives take on new meaning.  Our relationship with our Heavenly Father becomes more profound.”

I need to feel more love, give more love.  I need the confusion to clear and the priorities to align.  I need to walk more joyfully.  I need to find more meaning in my hours and my days.

So, this is what my daily one step will consist of:

I will pray daily for that love, and for guidance in carefully choosing my step each day.
I will write down the steps I feel I should take.
I will record my one (or more) steps taken at the end of each day in a journal I’ve designated for this journey.
I will place my hope and faith in my Heavenly Father that as I work my hardest and love with my whole heart, he will guide each step.  I will be able to find confidence, joy, and satisfaction in my life as a wife, mother and homemaker.

picture of open journal with pen and writing

So there you have it.  My resolution for 2010:  ONE STEP each day.
I can do this.  I mean, really, when life is rugged, what can you do?  Simply put one foot in front of the other.

This picture of my daughter walking in the snow will serve as my reminder to myself on my blog.

baby feet walking in snow

Like the idea?  Feel free to join me in One Step 2010. I won’t bore you with my daily details, but I will report back weekly on my progress.
And to you, may you have joy and success in your every step this year!
Hopeful Homemaker

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