Inspired by: Blue & White (and pink)

What would life be like without color?  I must be craving spring, because I’ve been running for my camera all week long!

These are the things I’ve been drawn to:

blue and white hydrangeas

white chair with quilts

heart hands holding pink candles

blue and white french knots flower

blue frosted cupcake

pink gumball machine

white hydrangea

cupcake with candle

white hydrangea

pink candles

What colors have been calling your name lately?

I’m linking this post to Melissa’s Inspired Room .  Check out what others are inspired by and add your own!
Have a great day!

Hopeful Homemaker

Six Months of Sweet

Today marks six months since I first held my littlest one in my arms.

All day long I’ve been talking to her about the things she’s learned in that time, and she’s been giggling and smiling away.

She sat upright for at least 5 minutes today while I snapped a bunch of pictures.

Big stretch!

I kept taking her pacifier out of her mouth and she’d grab it and put it back in, then smile at me from behind it.

After last night’s speech on mathematics , I must concede that all the laundry, dishes, sleepless nights and hours in the car are worth even one of these smiles.  There is nothing in the world like looking into the smiling eyes of your baby. Your baby who trusts you, loves you, and wants nothing in the world but to be in your arms.

I don’t think there’s a number large enough to capture how blessed I am or how much I love her.
Thanks for being here, sweet one.  Happy 6 month birthday!

Love, Jennifer

Baby Feet Valentine

I have been completely ga-ga over my baby’s feet since she was born.  It should be no surprise, therefore, that I used her feet to make a valentine celebrating her first 6 months of life.

baby feet valentine

I glued the ribbon around the edge of the footprints to help create the image of a heart.  Nothing fancy, but a special little first valentine for my baby on her first Valentine’s day.

Zero cost, and only a few minutes out of my day.  A precious little reminder of how sweet and small she is.

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